A company with a humanist vocation
Concerned about providing the men and women who make up our company a respectful and caring environment, SIG guarantees equal opportunities in recruitment, salary levels, development and training opportunities.
La diversité, c'est penser la différence.
La mixité, c'est penser la représentation des diversités.
L'inclusion, c'est une culture qui promeut l'équité, qui célèbre, respecte, accepte et fait valoir la diversité.
Swiss LGBTI-Label
En septembre 2021, SIG a reçu le Swiss LGBTI-Label qui reconnaît la politique sociale inclusive et responsable menée par l'entreprise, soucieuse d’offrir aux femmes et aux hommes qui la composent un environnement respectueux et bienveillant.
Congés parentaux
Désireuse de répondre aux évolutions sociétales, SIG va au-delà de la votation fédérale du 27 septembre 2020 concernant le congé paternité. Un congé enfant, quelque soit le modèle familial, a été proposé et validé par notre Direction générale, notre Conseil d’administration et le conseil d’Etat. En ce sens, nous avons :
- Elargi le congé maternité de 5 à 6 mois (légal 4 mois) ;
- Prolongé le congé paternité de 1 à 2 mois (légal 2 semaines) ;
- Ouvert le congé homoparental de 2 mois ;
- Repensé le modèle de congé pour les familles adoptantes.
SIG is committed to ensuring equal opportunities
By 2030, half of the company's staff will retire. This is an opportunity to work toward our wish to have a staff that is 35% female, with 25% in management positions.
The situation is clear: by favouring mixed teams, we favour diversity of ideas and allow for new opportunities for success. That's why SIG is deploying so many resources to attract more and more women with high potential, experts in their field and female executives.
35 % de femmes dans l'entreprise d'ici 2025 (contre 22% en 2023)
25 % Objectif pour la proportion de femmes dans des rôles de cadres supérieurs d'ici 2025 (contre 19% en 2023)
37.5 % Proportion des femmes à la Direction générale (3 femmes et 5 hommes)
25 % Proportion des femmes au Conseil d’administration (6 femmes et 18 hommes)
Cultural changes
As a company with a humanist vocation, SIG upholds an inclusive and responsible social policy built on ethics, empathy and inclusion.
Promoting and respecting diversity is part of our company's strategy. SIG is committed to encouraging exemplary behaviour, which ensures a relationship of trust between colleagues and with partners and clients.
A respectful and friendly environment
SIG is committed to developing a corporate culture free of prejudice, that recruits men and women based on their interpersonal skills rather than know-how, in line with our social policy.
At an organisational level, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, supported by senior management, has taken tangible measures to raise awareness among and train staff.
If necessary, a support system is available: a Diversity and Inclusion office, a medical centre, internal mediators and an external Ombudsperson.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is made up of 7 women and 7 men who, alongside their main jobs, ensure that we carry out both internal and external efforts.
Our actions
- Awareness campaigns
- "Harassment and discrimination" survey
- Women's rights exhibitions
- Epicene language and gender diversity training
- Women's leadership workshops
- Organisation of the "Future for all genders" day
- Creation of an inter-institutional Gender Diversity group with the Canton (BFEG and OCIRT), the UniGE and HES-SO of Geneva
- Relaying awareness campaigns
- Participation in the Feminist Strike
- Partnership with Swiss TecLadies
- Interventions during round tables
- Participation in the Women’s career Forum
- Sports sponsorship of women's teams