The Cheneviers incineration plant
The Cheneviers plant processes and recovers urban, agricultural, industrial and special waste in line with the principles of sustainable development. It is the third largest electricity producer in the canton.
1993. It produces electrical energy and district heating which is operated by CADIOM, a company that is 51% owned by SIG. Cheneviers is certified by the TÜV in the fields of quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), and health and safety (OHSAS 18001).
Key figures
250,000 tons of waste are processed annually
1/3 of Geneva's urban waste processed
112,000 MWh produced electricity
50 to 70 less truckloads daily, as the waste is transported via the river
Transport fluvial des déchets
Saviez-vous que chaque jour, un bateau effectue 2 à 3 allers-retours pour acheminer les déchets aux Cheneviers depuis le quartier de La Jonction ?
Chaque trajet permet d’acheminer 170 tonnes de déchets par voie fluviale, évitant ainsi que des dizaines de camions-poubelle sillonnent le canton en générant pollution et embouteillages.
Les système de transport est composé d’un bateau pousseur (nommé « Treville ») qui achemine à tour de rôle l’une des 3 barges (appelées « Athos », « Portos » et « Aramis ») remplie de déchets.
Une fois la barge chargée, le convoi pèse 370 tonnes et mesure 56 mètres de long, ce qui implique qu’il ait besoin de place pour manœuvrer et qu’il puisse créer des remous importants.
Les usagers et usagères du Rhône qui le croisent sont donc invités à la plus grande prudence !
The Cheneviers IV project
Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) has been commissioned by the State to build a next-generation plant that will be enlarged to meet cantonal needs by 2023. Cheneviers IV will produce much more energy with even less waste.
Not only will Cheneviers IV perform better, but it will also benefit from state-of-the-art technology, with the environmental impact of the new plant reduced to a minimum. The future facility will contribute towards cantonal efforts in relation to the energy transition. By 2023, the Cheneviers plant will have already begun to streamline its operations.
Target audience
These guided tours are suitable for companies, schools, organisations and public bodies.
They are organised for groups from 10 people minimum to 20 maximum. Recommended age: from 10 years old.
Please note: Visits are unsuitable for persons with reduced mobility.
Tour information
From Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (last tour).
Duration: 1.5 hours
Languages: French, English
Tours are free for schools, organisations and public bodies.
For companies, the price is CHF 300 per guide (20 people).
Registration is required
Registration information
Once you have filled out our form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
For more information, contact us via, or at +41 (0)22 420 75 71.