Quartier Libre,
a cultural venue in the heart of Geneva

This iconic Geneva building on the Pont de la Machine has borne witness to the early industrialisation of the city and is the oldest of the Geneva industrial works on the Rhone in urban areas. It regulated the level of the river for a long time, prior to Seujet plant taking over. Now completely transformed, the building hosts Quartier Libre SIG.

Quartier Libre, the SIG exhibition space

Quartier Libre is a space dedicated to culture, with diverse, interactive and educational exhibitions on:

  • Environment

  • Cultural heritage

  • Humanitarian values

  • Visual arts

The featured exhibitions reflect SIG's commitments with respect to the promotion of heritage, accessibility to culture, and awareness of the challenges facing society.

Ongoing exhibition

Pablo Picasso: His Posters

From 21 June to 31 October 2023



SIG Quartier Libre presents an extraordinary exhibition of posters by Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, curated by the collector Werner Röthlisberger from Basel.


This exhibition features a sweeping range by Picasso, who pivots between ancient and contemporary art. Geneva will come to know an often-unfamiliar facet of the artist's work, one that portrays his many practices – painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving, ceramics – throughout the exhibit.


While conceived as works of art in their own right, the posters are an exercise for Picasso that shows the breadth of his genius each time he uses a medium. Here, we see an astonishing simplification of stroke and motif. These works bring the artist immediately in touch with the greatest number of people. This spirit pervades the exhibition and warrants opening these works to a wide audience of admirers in its Geneva venue.


The graphic language used throughout this stunning collection is universal. It is for everyone of any culture or sensibility, making Geneva – with its international dimension – the perfect place to host this collection.


A catalogue including all 250 posters, a film and a children's gallery guide accompany the exhibition.

Visites guidées

Deux types de visites vous sont proposées :

1. Ludiques et créatives : à destination des écoles et autres lieux d’accueil d’enfants

Lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredi
9h45 et 14h
Durée : 60 minutes
Inscription : exposition@sig-ge.ch
Âge conseillé : dès 8 ans
Tarif : offert par SIG


2. Thématiques : à destination du grand public et présentées par des professionnel·les du Service social international avec des témoignages de bénéficiaires.

Programme et inscription

Cafés - expo

Des « cafés-expo » proposent des témoignages et des récits d’invité·es sur les thématiques de l’exposition. 

Programme et inscription

Useful information

Open every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free entry

Quartier Libre SIG
Pont de la Machine 1
1204 Geneva

Tél. 022 420 75 75




The site is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Our receptionists and guides have received training in communicating with people who have impaired hearing.
There is a range of tours and workshops suitable for people with disabilities.
A magnetic loop for people with impaired hearing is being installed.

Learn more about accessibility commitments

Timeline of the exhibitions

Where to find us