Our customer commitments

Customer service
Provide efficient and human customer service
- Offer personalised responses quickly and through the channel chosen by the customer (e-mail or telephone).
- Maintain close customer service.
SIG is committed to putting customers in touch with an advisor in less than 30 seconds on average and to handling telephone requests on the first call in more than 90% of cases.

Electricity and gas
Promote our industrial tool, its reliability and its multi-fluid nature
- Ensure reliability, sustainability and optimal quality in the provision and operation of public service infrastructure
- Anticipate major changes such as energy storage, smart networks and neighbourhoods as well as alternative propulsion mobility.
SIG is committed to guaranteeing the reliability of the gas network and optimising the electricity network architecture with unplanned average outage durations (SAIDI) for gas of less than 5 minutes; and for electricity, less than 10 minutes.

Work sites
Limit the impact of work sites and excavations on local residents
SIG is particularly committed to implement measures to improve compliance with the deadlines announced for network projects managed by SIG.

Drinking water
Provide drinking water of irreproachable quality
- Complete the chemical analyses with taste tests twice a month.
- Enhance the environmental quality of the drinking water distributed in Geneva.
Eau de Genève is up to 1,000 times more ecological than bottled water, and consumed by 93% of Genevans.